Painless Anutra Dental Sedation Option at West Houston Dental

What is the Anutra Local Anesthetic Delivery System?
The Anutra Local Anesthetic Delivery System precisely buffers anesthetics with a neutral agent to help lower the acidity level bringing it closer to the natural pH level of the body. By doing this, the local anesthetic enters your body more quickly helping reduce pain and it allows you to get numb almost immediately.
What is Buffering?
Buffering is a chemical process that neutralizes acids and bases. Your body can buffer on its own, but it can take some time. Additionally, local anesthetics are often very high in acidity causing a burning or stinging sensation. With buffering, we change the pH (or acidity level) of the local anesthetic to bring it closer to your body’s natural pH. This helps reduce the time you will wait in the chair while simultaneously providing a more comfortable experience.